Integration of Conversational AI by Google and Microsoft

Just this week, both Google and Microsoft made significant announcements regarding the integration of conversational AI into their respective products. While Google introduced its conversational AI engine called Bard, Microsoft unveiled a range of changes coming to its Edge browser and Bing search engine.

The New Bing: Enhancements for Search, Answers, Chat, and Creation

The new Bing search engine brings four major changes in terms of search, answers, chat, and creation. Let’s dive into each of these enhancements.

Search: A More Conversational Experience

When visiting the, you’ll notice that the search box has undergone a transformation. It’s now larger and resembles the submission or creation boxes found on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. With an increased character limit of a thousand, users are encouraged to engage in more conversational queries. Underneath the surface, Bing utilizes updated AI-powered models to better understand and contextualize search inputs.

Answers: Improved Understanding and Personalization

In addition to the typical search results on the left, a new column appears to the right, providing a glimpse into Bing’s thought process when presenting answers. Bing considers various factors such as geolocation, search history, and available sources to serve tailored responses. To enhance its own performance over time, Bing now includes a feedback box in the top right corner, allowing users to express their satisfaction with the results.

Chat: A Natural and Conversational Interface

By scrolling up or swiping down from the answers page, users can access the chat window on the new Bing. Alternatively, tapping the chat link at the top of the results achieves the same result. The chat interface, referred to as your AI copilot by Microsoft, encourages users to engage in more conversational interactions compared to traditional search bars. Users can ask follow-up questions without providing every bit of context, and the system retains the conversation’s context until the user decides to start a new topic. The new Bing’s chat interface feels reminiscent of interacting with a chat support agent, providing a more natural conversational flow.

Creation: Harnessing the Power of OpenAI’s Chat GPT

The integration with OpenAI’s Chat GPT takes center stage in the creation aspect of the new Bing. Users can leverage this feature to generate meal plans, workout routines, or travel itineraries. Microsoft demonstrated the capability of Bing to propose a six-day trip plan for Los Angeles, incorporating recommendations from local residents. Although precision in language is initially required, the system exhibits machine learning capabilities, refining its understanding and generating more accurate results over time. While the chat interface is currently text-based, future iterations may include visual elements such as pictures, enhancing the user experience.

Edge Browser: Unifying Bing AI Copilot

Users of the Edge browser enjoy additional benefits with the AI copilot feature. By clicking the new “B” button on the top right of any webpage, users can access the Bing AI copilot, featuring a chat interface and a compose panel.

Chat Interface: Seamless Integration with Any Website

The basic chat interface allows users to access the new Bing features while browsing any website within the Edge browser. This enables users to ask questions, seek information, or engage in conversations without leaving the current webpage. The chat interface proves particularly useful when summarizing content or comparing information from different sources.

Compose Panel: Crafting Emails with Ease

The compose panel provides an expanded set of features. One practical use case is writing emails. Users can input their desired content, specify the format, and set the toneā€”be it professional, funny, or enthusiastic. With a single click, Edge generates a draft email that users can easily transfer to the compose screen.

Embracing the Potential of AI

The new Bing and Edge from Microsoft, in collaboration with OpenAI, signify a new era empowered by artificial intelligence. These advancements prompt us to consider the capabilities and limitations of AI in our lives. As we delve deeper into the possibilities, we will continue to explore and test the new Bing and Edge to unravel the full extent of their potential.

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